
Thursday, February 09, 2012

11:04 AM

00000 - Seize Strategic location

Find strat locs using current st.dev.

Combine above with first-turn-calculated strat locs

If any free:

If have free units:

Move free unit to strat loc


Goto generalized "make unit"

If none free:

If have free units:

If total free units win chance > current win chance threshold

Remove units until win chance < current win chance threshold, then send previous iteration to strat loc

If total free units win chance < current win chance threshold

Goto generalized "make unit"

If strat loc list is empty:

If current st.dev != 1:

St.dev --

Goto 00000 - Seize Strategic location


If default behavior does not reference contain chain reference to 00000:

Goto default behavior


Goto 00001 - Seize resource


00001 - Seize Metal

Find resources

If have free workers:

If free worker on resource:



Determine most profitable resource

Move closest free worker to that resource


Goto 10000 - Make worker


00010 - Attack Player 1

Get player 1 cities on map

If any player1 city accessible

Determine closest player1 city

If total free units win chance vs. city > current win chance threshold

Remove units until win chance < current win chance threshold, then send previous iteration to player1city

If total free units win chance < current win chance threshold

Goto generalized "make unit"


Determine path of least resistance

If total free units win chance vs. closest part of path > current win chance threshold

Remove units until win chance < current win chance threshold, then send previous iteration to closest part of path

If total free units win chance < current win chance threshold

Goto generalized "make unit"


00011 - Attack Player 2

See 00010


00100 - Attack Player 3

See 00010


00101 - Attack strongest military

Determine non-self player with strongest military

If tie

Choose random player from tie set

Goto appropriate attack command (00010, 00011, 00100)


Goto appropriate attack command (00010, 00011, 00100)


00110 - Attack strongest economy

See 00101


00111 -Attack weakest military

See 00101


01000 - Attack weakest economy

See 00101


01001 - Harass player 1

Get player 1 resources on map

If any player1 resource accessible

Determine closest player1 resource

If total free units win chance vs. resource > current win chance threshold

Remove units until win chance < current win chance threshold, then send previous iteration to player1resource

If total free units win chance < current win chance threshold

Goto generalized "make unit"


Determine path of least resistance

If total free units win chance vs. closest part of path > current win chance threshold

Remove units until win chance < current win chance threshold, then send previous iteration to closest part of path

If total free units win chance < current win chance threshold

Goto generalized "make unit"


01010 - Harass player 2

See 01001


01011 - Harass player 3

See 01001


01100 - Harass strongest military

Determine non-self player with strongest military

If tie

Choose random player from tie set

Goto appropriate harass command (01001, 01010, 01011)


Goto appropriate harass command (01001, 01010, 01011)


01101 - Harass strongest economy

See 01100


01110 - Harass weakest military

See 01100


01111 - Harass weakest economy

See 01100


10000 - Make worker

If have sufficient resources

Add worker to queue


If free workers && insufficient metal

Goto 00001

Elif free workers && insufficient upkeep

Goto make power


If default behavior does not reference contain chain reference to 10000:

Goto default behavior


Goto 11111


10001 - Make tank

If have sufficient resources

Add tank to queue

Elif insufficient metal

Goto 00001


Goto make power


10010 - Make air

See 10001


10011 - Make anti-air

See 10001


10100 - Fortify Strategic Location

Get units set to hold strat loc

If above empty:

Goto 00000*


Find most vulnerable from above

If !has fortress:

If free workers

If free worker on tile



Send closest free worker to stractloc


Goto 10000


If free units

Send closest free unit to stratloc


Generic make unit


10101 - Fortify Resource

See 10100 *Goto 00001


10110 - Fortify City

See 10100 *Goto 11110


10111 - Clear Queue

Clear queue

If default behavior does not contain chain reference to 10111

Goto default behavior


Goto 11111


11000 - Combat % win change +10%

Combat % win threshold *= 1.1

If default behavior does not contain chain reference to 11000

Goto default behavior


Goto 11111


11001 - Combat % win change -10%

Combat % win threshold *= .9

If default behavior does not contain chain reference to 11001

Goto default behavior


Goto 11111


11010 - Combat % win reset

Combat % win threshold reset to genome value

If default behavior does not contain chain reference to 11010

Goto default behavior


Goto 11111


11011 - Turns left threshold +20%

Turns left threshold *= 1.2

If default behavior does not contain chain reference to 11011

Goto default behavior


Goto 11111


11100 - Turns left threshold -20%

Turns left threshold *= .8

If default behavior does not contain chain reference to 11100

Goto default behavior


Goto 11111


11101 - Turns left threshold reset

Turns left threshold reset to genome value

If default behavior does not contain chain reference to 11101

Goto default behavior


Goto 11111


11110 - Create new city

Find good city locations using map generation criteria

Narrow down above by determining which locations are accessible

Divide score of each above location by sqrt(dist_to_closest_AI_city)

City location = best overall score

If have free workers:

If worker on optimal location:



Get closest free worker to location

CloseWorker.moveto(optimal location)


Goto 10000 - Make worker


11111 - Do nothing



Generalized make unit -

Choose randomly between 10001, 10010, and 10011


Make power plant:

If free worker && worker not on metal:

If have sufficient resources:



Goto 00001


Goto 10000


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