Having learned a little about d3.js at a hackathon I attended, I decided to put it to good use. Below is an interactive implementation of the k-means clustering algorithm, as visualized using d3.js. Click to place points. Centroids are (initially) set on randomly chosen points, and the number of clusters is set by a supposed rule of thumb. You can choose to step through the algorithm one centroid-readjustment/simultaneous point assignment at a time, or view the process in real time.
//config values: var colors = ['coral','green','steelblue','seagreen','yellow','cyan','salmon','skyblue','pink'] var radius = 8; var trans_secs = 2; var update_ms = 150; var svg_size = {width:600,height:400}; //initialization var mouse_x; var mouse_y; var new_points = false; var points = new Array(); var centers = new Array(); var algo_started = false; var svg = d3.select('#kmeans').append('svg') .attr('width',svg_size.width) .attr('height',svg_size.height); canvas = document.getElementById('kmeans'); var stream = false; var stop_update = false; //@ http://jsfromhell.com/array/shuffle [v1.0] function shuffle(o){ //v1.0 for(var j, x, i = o.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = o[--i], o[i] = o[j], o[j] = x); return o; }; function safeShuffle(o){ var x = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < o.length; i++){ x[i] = o[i]; } return shuffle(x); } function addPoint(){ //add new point to canvas (d3) if (algo_started) {return true;} var rel_x = mouse_x - canvas.offsetLeft; var rel_y = mouse_y - canvas.offsetTop; if (points.length >= 1 && (points[points.length-1].x == rel_x) && (points[points.length-1].y == rel_y)){ //making sure double-clicks don't get counted as two points return true; } points.push({x:(rel_x),y:(rel_y),plotted:false,nearest_center:null}); new_points = true; } //tracking mouse: document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); document.onmousemove = getMousePosition; function getMousePosition(mp) { mouse_x = mp.pageX; mouse_y = mp.pageY; return true; } function capitalize(string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); } function createCenters () { //creating centroids document.getElementById('create').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('move').style.display = 'block'; algo_started = true; rand_points = safeShuffle(points); for (var i = 0; i < Math.round(Math.sqrt(rand_points.length / 2)); i++){ centers.push({x:rand_points[i].x, y:rand_points[i].y, color:colors[i%colors.length], old_x:null, old_y:null}); } svg.selectAll('.center') .data(centers) .enter() .append('circle') .attr('cx', function(d){return d.x;}) .attr('cy', function(d){return d.y;}) .attr('r', radius) .attr('style', function(d){return 'fill:' + d.color;}) .attr('class','center') .append("svg:title") .text(function(d){return capitalize(d.color) + ' cluster center'}); } function moveCenters () { //recalculate centroid positions given their assigned points for (var i = 0; i < centers.length; i++){ var center = centers[i]; center.old_x = center.x; center.old_y = center.y; var new_x = 0; var new_y = 0; var point_count = 0; for (var j = 0; j < points.length; j++){ if (points[j].nearest_center == center){ new_x += points[j].x; new_y += points[j].y; point_count++; } } center.x = Math.round(new_x / point_count); center.y = Math.round(new_y / point_count); } svg.selectAll('.center') .data(centers) .transition() .ease('linear') .duration(trans_secs * 1000) .attr('cx', function(d){return d.x;}) .attr('cy', function(d){return d.y;}); //check to see if centroids have failed to move any more (i.e. algorithm complete) var all_finalized = true; var svg_centers = svg.selectAll('.center')[0]; for (var i = 0; i < centers.length; i++){ var center = centers[i]; var svg_center = {x: Math.round(svg_centers[i].cx.baseVal.value), y: Math.round(svg_centers[i].cy.baseVal.value)}; all_finalized &= (center.x == center.old_x && center.y == center.old_y && Math.round(center.x) == svg_center.x && Math.round(center.y) == svg_center.y ); } if (all_finalized){ stream = false; document.getElementById('movecenters').disabled = true; document.getElementById('togglestream').disabled = true; document.getElementById('final').innerHTML = "Finalized!"; stop_update = true; } } function eucDist(a,b){ return Math.sqrt(Math.pow((a.x - b.x),2) + Math.pow((a.y - b.y),2)); } function updatePoints(){ //either creates new svg objects based on clicked points, //or re-colors points based on current centroid locations if (new_points && !algo_started){ svg.selectAll('.point') .data(points) .enter() .append('circle') .attr('cx', function(d){return d.x;}) .attr('cy', function(d){return d.y;}) .attr('r', radius) .attr('class','point'); new_points = false; } if (algo_started){ for (var i = [0]; i < points.length; i++){ var point = points[i]; var center_candidate = null; var center_candidate_dist = 99999; var svg_centers = svg.selectAll('.center')[0] for (var j = 0; j < centers.length; j++){ var svg_center = svg_centers[j]; center_dist = eucDist(point,{x:svg_center.cx.baseVal.value,y:svg_center.cy.baseVal.value}); if (center_dist < center_candidate_dist){ center_candidate_dist = center_dist; center_candidate = centers[j]; } } point.nearest_center = center_candidate; point.color = 'light' + point.nearest_center.color; } svg.selectAll('.point') .data(points) .attr('style', function(d){return 'fill:' + d.color;}); } } function updateDisplay(){ document.getElementById('numpoints').innerHTML = points.length; document.getElementById('numclusters').innerHTML = Math.round(Math.sqrt(points.length / 2)); } function toggleStream(){ stream ^= true; } window.setInterval(update,update_ms); function update(){ if (stop_update){return true;} updatePoints(); updateDisplay(); if (stream) { moveCenters(); } }